BlenderBuddy 2


Ensure the blender is
delivering an accurate mixture.

Dual-Scale Acrylic Flowmeter

MaxO2+ A Oxygen Analyzer included
(in select part numbers)

DISS Fitting

Oxygen Analysis Port

The BlenderBuddy 2 attaches to a blender to simplify integrating a FiO2 analyzer or monitor through a universal DISS outlet port to provide added visibility of the delivered FiO2. 

It is equipped with a sample gas analysis port, enabling the placement of an oxygen analyzer to ensure the blender is delivering an accurate mixture. 

Integration Keeps Oxygen Delivery Set-Up in One Place

With a combined set-up, the chances of equipment going missing are reduced since a completed set-up for oxygen delivery and analyzation are in one integrated solution. 

The dedicated oxygen analysis port and integrated flow meter keep your equipment exactly where it needs to be; connected to the blender. Whether the blender is mounted on a wall or pole, allowing the products to be attached reduces the chance of pieces and parts being misplaced, ensuring everything needed for O2 analysis stays in place.

Confidence in What’s Being Delivered

It’s recommended and stated in literature from AARC(1) and the European Respiratory Society, that delivered gas should be checked by a calibrated analyzer frequently; Once a day in most instances. The BlenderBuddy 2 allows caregivers to spot-check prescribed gas efficiently and accurately.

The built-in oxygen analysis port is upstream from the patient and other delivery systems. This keeps the oxygen analyzer free from humidity or other contaminants downstream.

Added Accuracy & Space Savings with A DFB Flow Meter

DFB flow meters were designed for blenders, displaying a dual scale that combines two flow ranges into one flow meter. 

The dual-scale increments allow clinicians to use two flow ranges in one flow meter, meaning it can be used with a range of patient populations, eliminating the need for more equipment. Having a durable acrylic dual-scale flow meter and an oxygen analysis port together in one device, the BlenderBuddy 2 creates more space savings for clinicians and helps alleviate the time spent reprocessing and setting up devices. 

When higher flows are being delivered, a pressure drop often occurs resulting in a set flow rate error of up to 11% on a standard flow meter. This means the flow rate could become less accurate as flow rates are increased. The DFB flow meter is calibrated to account for the pressure drop so the assumed flow being delivered remains accurate. 

Complete Your Set-Up

The BlenderBuddy 2 includes a built-in DFB flow meter and can be purchased with or without a MaxO2+A oxygen analyzer.

The BlenderBuddy 2 is also compatible with the MaxO2+ AE oxygen analyzer to spot-check oxygen. It could also be used with the MaxO2 ME oxygen monitor to include alarms in an oxygen delivery set-up.

Pole, rail, wall mounts, and additional accessories for this product are available to purchase separately.

360° View with Callouts

Product Accessories

  • Max-550E Flow Diverter R228P41-001
  • 2-in-1 Muffled Adapter R219P50
  • 1.5” 90 Degree DISS Elbow RP11P20
  • White DISS Barbed Fitting RP11P33
  • Green DISS Barbed Fitting RP11P34
  • Clear DISS Barbed Fitting RP11P35

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