MaxBlend Family Quick-Calibration: How-To

In this video, Brian walks us through a how-to of the Maxtec MaxBlend Product Family calibration procedure that can be done without interrupting patient care.

EyeMax 2: How-To

In this video, Steve demonstrates how to correctly use the Maxtec EyeMax 2.

Heated High Flow vs. Mechanical Ventilation

In this video, Maxtec clinical experts Dustin and Brian discuss different forms of therapy used in treating COVID-19 and take a closer look at heated high flow nasal cannula oxygen ...

We’re All In This Together

Maxtec has been strongly feeling the effects of COVID-19 and we’re seeing a demand for our products we have never seen before. Our team is working hard to fulfill the ...

EyeMax 2 Instructions for Use Change Notice

December 7, 2020 IFU & Label Change Notification – EyeMax2 Product Family  Dear Valued Customer,  This notice is to inform you of a change to the EyeMax2 Instructions for Use ...

SmartStack 8-Pack Discontinuation Notice

January 15, 2021 R100P49-008 (SmartStack 8-Pack) Discontinuation Dear Valued Customer, This letter is to inform you of a discontinuation to a product you’ve previously purchased from Maxtec. The part number ...

MaxO2+AE Coiled Cable Change Notification

March 1, 2021 MaxO2+AE Coiled Cable Change Notification Dear Valued Customer, This letter is to inform you that Maxtec is in the process of making a change to a product ...

R109P17 (Max-12-204) Discontinuation Notice

March 10, 2021 R109P17 (Max-12-204) Discontinuation Dear Valued Customer, This letter is to inform you of a discontinuation to a product you’ve previously purchased from Maxtec. The part number R109P17  ...

Hose Fitting Change Notification

April 1, 2021 Maxtec Hose Fitting Change Notification Dear Valued Customer, This letter is to inform you that Maxtec is in the process of making a change to a product ...

EU MDR Update

May 26, 2021 EU MDR Update Dear Valued Maxtec Customer, EC REPRESENTATIVE CHANGE In preparation for Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745, commonly referred to as MDR, Maxtec, LLC is transitioning ...