Breath Research

IABR 2024 Preserve Metabolites & Biomarkets for Reliable Analysis Nafion™ Polymer Drying Technology & Applications Nafion™ is a trademark of The Chemours Company FC, LLC used under license by Perma ...

Handi+ Industrial

The Handi+ is everything it’s always been and more! Maxtec has improved the Handi O2 analyzer to better meet your needs for oxygen analysis. The simple to use, one-touch calibration button, ...


The MySign O Oxygen Analyzer is a fast, handheld analyzer ideal for monitoring situations in patient care and emergency medicine. The MySign O Oxygen Analyzer offers the high precision required ...

MD300 C2 Pulse Oximeter

The ChoiceMMed MD300 C2 is a great addition to the line of pulse oximeters offered by Maxtec. Its compact design allows it to be used for adult applications in many ...