Max-125M Change Notification

Gray fio2 sensor with blue and white label with Max-125M printed on it

February 23, 2021

Max-125M Change Notification

Dear Valued Customer,

This letter is to inform you that Maxtec is in the process of making a change to a product you purchase. In an effort to ensure our customers receive the best service possible, we have added an additional supplier for raw materials used in our Max-125M medical oxygen sensor (part number R140P07-001). This alternative supplier will be an additional source for the PCBA sub-assemblies used in the Max-125M. Using this additional supplier will alleviate risks of supply issues in the future. Using this additional source of raw materials will not affect the fit, form, or function of the sensors. There is no physical difference or difference in specifications between the new material source or existing raw materials.

Effective immediately, Maxtec will be incorporating raw materials from both our existing supply and this additional source into our Max-125M sensors. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please contact your Maxtec Sales Representative with any questions or concerns.


  • SENSOR, MAX-125M OXYGEN MEDICAL Part Number: R140P07-001

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